
Date register of trial

Trials for date register in the RPCEC

Date of Registration Public title Sponsorsort icon State
27/12/2016 Policosanol in patients with metabolic syndrome and ischaemic cardiopaty CPN Registered
27/06/2014 D-002 and glucosamine/chondroitin sulphate in osteoarthritis CPN Registered
02/12/2016 Abexol and Glucosamine/Chondroitin Sulphate in osteoarthritis: study of the 6 months. CPN Registered
28/11/2016 Abexol and Atorvastatin in the non alcoholic steatohepatitis CPN Registered
30/09/2016 D004 vs terazosin CPN Registered
28/09/2018 Topic Oleozon in patients with epidermophytosis CPN Registered outdated
27/10/2020 Prevalence of positive evolutive PCR in patients with COVID 19 treated with rectal ozone therapy: observational study prospective cohort. CPN Registered outdated
06/11/2020 Observational study of the benefits of rectal ozonotherapy and BIOPLA as complemetary theraphy in convalescent patients with SARS-COV 2 CPN Registered outdated
27/05/2021 D004 (Palmex) vs Saw palmetto, Finasteride and Tamsulosin in patients with BPH CPN Registered outdated
22/05/2021 Abexol (suspension) versus Abexol (tablets) in patients with gastrointestinal symptoms CPN Registered outdated
30/06/2021 Policosanol in patients with pre-hypertension or with grade I hypertension CPN Registered outdated
30/06/2021 Policosanol + aspirin in post-stroke cognitive impairment CPN Registered outdated
15/07/2021 Rectal ozone therapy in high-risk symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 positive patients CPN Registered
20/03/2022 Antioxidant efcts of Abexol in middle-aged and older subjects CPN Registered outdated
15/04/2024 Efficacy and safety of the Dermatological Soap with ozonized sunflower oil (AGO) and Cream with AGO in patients with Acne. CPN Registered
15/04/2024 Efficacy and safety of the Dermatological Soap with ozonated sunflower oil (AGO) and Anti-inflammatory Alcohol Cream in patients with chronic Dermatitis. CPN Registered
16/04/2024 Efficacy and safety of the Dermatological Soap with ozonated sunflower oil (AGO), or with sulfur, or with sulfur+AGO and Cream with AGO in patients with Scabies. CPN Registered
09/05/2024 Soft capsules with ozonated sunflower oil versus oral OLEOZON® in patients with Giardiosis CPN Registered
2012-07-20 Heptavalent Conjugate Vaccine against Pneumococcal in healthy adults (VCN7-T). CQB Registered
31/10/2013 Heptavalent Conjugate Vaccine against Pneumococcal (VCN7-T) in healthy infants and children. CQB Registered