
Date register of trial

Trials for date register in the RPCEC

Date of Registration Public title Sponsorsort icon State
2013-03-06 Inmunogenicity-PCV-Carriage-Venezuelan High Risk Children SAIB Registered
2013-06-14 Pneumococcal conjugate vaccination among Warao children SAIB Registered outdated
15/08/2017 Homeostec for chronic arthritis SSA Registered
15/08/2017 Bioactive formulation to treat osteoarthritis SSA Registered
15/08/2017 Phenamate in the treatment of prostate cancer SSA Registered
05/05/2020 Therapy for COVID-19-Phase I-II SSA Registered
27/12/2016 Homeostec for the treatment of chronic Chikungunya SSA Registered
17/02/2017 Paclitaxel/Radiotherapy/Cisplatino for cervical cancer SSA Registered
30/05/2018 Treatment for maxillary cysts SSA Registered
11/06/2018 Usual treatment plus intra-articular application of bioactive formulation for osteoarthritis SSA Registered
31/08/2021 Mefenamic acid as a treatment for COVID-19 SSA Registered
23/08/2019 Effect of beef consumption on lipid metabolism SSA Registered
16/03/2021 Oropharyngeal sanitization with electrolyzed superoxidation solution with neutral pH to prevent COVID-19 SSA Registered
11/05/2021 Doxycycline for prostate cancer SSA Registered
31/03/2022 NUTRIRES2 SSA Registered
21/07/2023 Safety of Orally Administered Neutral pH Super Oxidation Electrolyzed Solution SSA Registered
09/02/2023 PROCTOKINASE in acute pelvic inflammatory disease UCMM Registered
06/04/2021 Efectiveness- hypnotherapy- depressed patients UCMSC Registered
25/09/2015 Seawater-Rhinitis-Children-Phase III UDEA Registered