
Date register of trial

Trials for date register in the RPCEC

Date of Registration Public title Sponsor Statesort icon
27/10/2020 Prevalence of positive evolutive PCR in patients with COVID 19 treated with rectal ozone therapy: observational study prospective cohort. CPN Registered outdated
06/11/2020 Observational study of the benefits of rectal ozonotherapy and BIOPLA as complemetary theraphy in convalescent patients with SARS-COV 2 CPN Registered outdated
19/11/2020 NeuroEPO-Ataxia-Adults-Phase III CIM Registered outdated
24/11/2020 Curmeric-Prevention-COVID-19-Health Workers-University Hospital General Calixto Garcia CEADEN Registered outdated
26/11/2020 ABDALA Clinical Study CIGB Registered outdated
26/11/2020 MAMBISA Study CIGB Registered outdated
17/12/2020 SOBERANA 02A FINLAY Registered outdated
22/01/2021 Curmeric- Safety-Community-Quarantine-COVID-19 CEADEN Registered outdated
22/01/2021 Curmeric- Safety-Efficacy- Community-Quarantine-COVID-19 CEADEN Registered outdated
22/01/2021 Curmeric- Nasal-Safety-Efficacy- Community-Quarantine -COVID-19 CEADEN Registered outdated
11/03/2021 Phyisician Led CIMAvax-EGF lung biomarkers CIM Registered outdated
18/03/2021 Biomodulina T- CIMAvax-EGF-Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer-Adults CIM Registered outdated
11/03/2021 CIGB2020- ARI elderly contacts CIGB Registered outdated
18/06/2021 CIMAvax-EGF®-post-COVID19 convalescent with respiratory disorders-adults-Phase II (CORVAXCIM) CIM Registered outdated
21/05/2021 Preventive use of CIMAvax-EGF in patients at high risk of lung cancer. PREVAX CIM Registered outdated
22/05/2021 Safety and efficacy of CIMAvax®-EGF in combination with tyrosine kinase inhibitors in patients with advanced stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer and EGFR mutations CIM Registered outdated
12/05/2021 CIMAvax-EGF in different maintenance schemes CIM Registered outdated
27/05/2021 D004 (Palmex) vs Saw palmetto, Finasteride and Tamsulosin in patients with BPH CPN Registered outdated
02/11/2021 Moringa in Diabetes CIPPPB Registered outdated
22/05/2021 Abexol (suspension) versus Abexol (tablets) in patients with gastrointestinal symptoms CPN Registered outdated