Section to complete information about primary and secondary outcomes including. It includes the metric or method of measurement used and, the time point for every outcome.
Primary outcome(s):
Hematologic response (Values of Hemoglobin in g/l and Hematocrit in %). Measuring time: monthly until the end of the treatment (1 year).
Key secondary outcomes:
Time for correction of anemia. Measuring time: monthly until the end of the treatment (1 year). Transfusion requirements (Yes/No). Measuring time: monthly until the end of the treatment (1 year). Total of transfusion (Number of the transfusions). Measuring time: monthly until the end of the treatment (1 year). Progression of kidney damage (creatinine values and glomerular filtration theory). Measuring time: monthly until the end of the treatment (1 year). Left ventricular function (Mass of left ventricular, Mass index, Diameter of the wall of the left ventricular posterior, LV ejection fraction, stroke volume and diastolic volume). Measuring time: at the end of the treatment (1 year). Quality of life (SF-36 questionnaire). Measuring time: at the end of the treatment (1 year) Adverse events (AE). Measuring time: monthly until the end of the treatment (1 year) -Description of AE. Name of the event -Duration of AE. (Difference between the beginning date and the finish date of the event) -Treatment applied (Treatment applied) -Intensity of AE (Slight, Moderate, Severe) -Severity of AE (Severe/Serious, Not severe/Not serious) -Relationship causality (Definitive, Very likely, Probable, Possible, Not related, Unknown) -Attitude to study treatment (Unchanged, Dose modification,Temporary discontinuation of study treatment, Permanent discontinuation of study treatment) -Outcome of AE (Recovered, Improved, Persist, Sequelae, Death) Laboratory (hematologic [total leukocyte, platelet count, reticulocyte count, serum iron] and biochemistry [Uric acid, urea, glucose, albumin, TGP, TGO). Measuring time: monthly until the end of the treatment (1 year).