Section to complete information about primary and secondary outcomes including. It includes the metric or method of measurement used and, the time point for every outcome.
Primary outcome(s):
1. Symptom score: Dyspnea, cough, expectoration, wheeze and tightness (four-digit score: 0 = non symptom, 1 = mild, 2 = moderate, 3 = severe). Measurement time: daily, pre-treatment and during 12 months.
2. Consumption of medications (three-digit score: 0= no use, 1= use beta-2 agonists, metilxantine, ephedrine, adrenaline, 2 = corticosteroids)). Measurement time: daily, pre-treatment and during 12 months.
3. Skin reactivity: (value Ch10: relative allergen concentration causing in the patient a similar wheal to induced wheal by a HCL histamine solution (10 mg/mL= 54.3 mmol/L de Histamina base)). Measurement time: pre-treatment, 6 and 12 months.
4. Determination of Peak Expiratory Flow (PEF), (using standard meter of PEF: FERRARIS POCKETPEAK. Measurement time: twice daily, pre-treatment and during 12 months.
5. Quality of life (according to AQLQ(S) Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire: seven-digit score (1 = maxim deteriorate to 7= no deteriorate)). Measurement time: pre-treatment, 6 and 12 months.
Key secondary outcomes:
1. Respiratory function classification (Criterion according PEF and PEF Variability: normal, mild obstruction, moderate obstruction, severe obstruction). Measurement time: pre-treatment, 6 y 12 months.
2. General evaluation (based on symptom-medication score, respiratory function, skin reactivity, quality of life: better, equal, worse). Measurement time: pre-treatment, 6 y 12 months. Allergen-specific antibodies (Measuring serum allergen-specific antibodies IgG4 and IgE level in the patients using indirect ELISA). Measurement time: pre-treatment, 6 and 12 months.
3. Adverse events (AE). Measurement time: during 12 months according to the treatment scheme. - Occurrence of some AE in the patient (yes/no). - Description of the AE (Name of adverse event). - According to available previous information (unexpected and expected) - According to its localization the expected AE (World Allergy Organization Criterion: local and systemic AE (0= Nonspecific Symptoms, I= Mild systemic reactions, II= Moderate systemic reactions, III= Severe (nonlife-threatening) systemic reactions, IV= Anaphylactic shock)). - Duration of the AE (Difference of dates between the beginning and the end of the AE) - Intensity of the AE (Light, Moderate, Severe) - Graveness of the AE (Serious, No serious) - Attitude regarding the treatment in study without changes, dose modification, temporary or definitive interruption of the treatment in study) - Result of the AE (Recovered, Improved, Persists or sequels) - Causal Relationship of the AE (1.Very likely, 2.Likely, 3.Possible, 4.Unlikely, 5.Not related, 6.Not evaluated). Measurement time: weekly firsts 13 week and mnthly until 12 months.