Section to complete information about the inclusion and exclusion criteria for participant selection, including age and gender.
Inclusion criteria:
1.Woman or men from 18 to 50 years old with a body mass index (BMI) between 18 and 29,9. 2.Good physical and mental health state, established by mean of anamnesis and physical examination as a medical criteria, as well by mean of electrocardiogram and hematology, hemochemical and urine tests, within non clinically significant reference parameters, as well as negative results in the serology of VDRL, HIV and HBV surface Ag and HCV before the beginning of the study. 3.Willfulness expressed by mean of a written informed consent.
Exclusion criteria:
1.Occurrence of acute illness (with or without fever) within 30 days prior to the moment the subject be included in the study. 2.Chronic diseases such cancers, diabetes, heart disease, liver disease, progressive neurological disease, autoimmune disease or blood dyscrasias, signs of heart or renal failure or severe malnutrition. 3.Any suspected or confirmed condition of immunodeficiency. 4.To have suffered meningococcal disease. 5.To have been immunized with meningococcal vaccine, 6 months prior to administration of the treatments included in the study. 6.History of immunoglobulin therapy during the 30 days prior to the administration of the treatments included in the clinical trial. 7.To be under immunosuppressive treatment (more than 14 days) or other medication which modify the immune status, excluding topical or inhaled steroids. 8.Administration of a vaccine not predicted in the protocol, 30 days before the beginning of the study. 9.Pregnancy or breastfeeding. 10.Alcoholism defined as set forth in the CENATOX algorithm 11.Allergy to Thiomersal.