Inicio | SOBERANA 02A

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28 Enero 2022 - 7:28pm por FINLAY24 Marzo 2023 - 8:15am por Gladys
Cambios a Description of Data Sharing Plan
The immunological individual data, and other supporting clinical documents, including study protocol, statistical analysis plan, and the informed consent form will be available after publication in specialized journals. Proposals should be sent to: or: These proposals must be reviewed and approved by the sponsor and investigator. Finally, data access agreement must be signed.
The immunological individual data, and other supporting clinical documents, including study protocol, statistical analysis plan, and the informed consent form will be available after publication in specialized journals. Proposals should be sent to: or: These proposals must be reviewed and approved by the sponsor and investigator. Finally, data access agreement must be signed.
Cambios a Participant flow
Period studied:
Date of first subject recruited: 11/21/2021 (Phase IIa), 01/18/21 (Phase IIb)
Date of last subject recruited: 01/13/21 (Phase IIa), 01/19/21 (Phase IIb)
Date of last completed subject (28 days after last dose): 08/04/2021 (Phase IIa), 06/05/2021 (Phase IIb)
All subjects planned, included and who received at least one dose of the investigational products were analyzed by intention to treat and for safety: 910 subjects. In phase IIa, of 100 patients included, 5 subjects at T42 were independently excluded from the intention-to-treat and per-protocol efficacy analysis according to time intervals; 6 in T56; 7 in T70 and 7 in T84; from phase IIb, 4 were excluded (T14); 8 (T42); 24 (T56), 30 (T70) and 24 (T84). The results of phase IIa are presented in a separate report (Annex). Given that in phase IIb the heterologous scheme was continued; the rest of the analyzes are restricted to the 860 subjects who received the heterologous regimen during phase IIa/IIb (758 with the vaccine candidate and 102 with placebo).
Cambios a Baseline characteristics
Male or female subjects, apparently healthy, between 19 and 80 years of age and Cuban nationality who met the following inclusion criteria: They gave their informed consent in writing, women of childbearing age who used safe contraceptive methods during the study, physical examination general, regional and by devices: normal or without clinically significant alterations and laboratory results within the range of reference values ​​or outside them but not clinically significant (for phase IIa).
Demographic characteristics are summarized in Table 21 of the final report. The groups were homogeneous with respect to all demographic characteristics. Overall, a slightly higher proportion of women, a higher proportion of subjects with fair skin color (72.6%), median age of 48 years, and BMI around 26 kg/m2 were observed.
Cambios a Outcome measures
The proportion of subjects who seroconverted was significantly higher in the group that received the vaccine candidate compared to the group that received placebo, detecting a difference between the groups greater than 69% after the second dose. After the booster dose, seroconversion was achieved in 96% of the subjects. No differences were found when comparing the formulations with different IFAs. With respect to the kinetics of antibodies, a similar result is observed: from 14 days after the first dose is administered, differences are detected globally and in each IFA with respect to the Placebo group. In the group treated with the vaccine candidate, there was a significant increase after the booster dose with respect to T56, which shows the booster effect of this dose. The proportion of subjects who exceed the median observed in the concentration of IgG anti-RBD antibodies in the convalescent panel increases with the number of doses, being even higher than this after the booster dose. The percentage of inhibition of the RBD: ACE2 interaction, a variable that shows a high correlation (r2 mayor que 0.8) with the neutralizing activity, shows significant differences from 14 days after the second dose compared to the Placebo group.
After the administration of the booster dose with SOBERANA Plus, the median significantly exceeds the convalescent panel (86.4% and 83.0% at 70 and 84 days). Regarding the neutralizing activity of the antibodies, significantly higher values ​​of molecular neutralization are detected in the vaccinated group compared to the Placebo group from 14 days after the second dose and a significant effect of the booster dose, where it exceeds the median observed in the convalescent panel. Similar results were found for viral neutralization, where it was found that after the second dose, (T56) 98.7% of the subjects had Ac. neutralizing (97.5% and 100% in IFA1 and IFA2, respectively). A significant increase in MGT was detected after the booster dose compared to the second dose (overall and in each IFA). The confidence interval for the MGT from the booster dose was very similar to the confidence interval for the panel of Cuban convalescents (overall and in each IFA). When considering the non-responders, the MGT after the booster dose was 1.9 times higher than the panel of Cuban convalescents. After two doses with FINLAY-FR-2, the presence of specific IFNγ-producing T cells was detected, evidencing the induction of a Th1 pattern, which changes to a mixed Th1/Th2 when the booster dose is administered (results of stage IIa). The presence of neutralizing antibodies was demonstrated up to 7-8 months after the booster dose.
Cambios a Adverse events
SAFETY RESULTS: Of the total of 860 subjects who received the heterologous scheme, 43.7% presented some adverse event (AE) for a total of 978 of 81 different types. The most frequently requested AE was pain at the injection site in both the vaccinated and placebo groups (35.0% vs. 8.8%, respectively). The most frequent systemic solicited AE in both treatment groups was malaise (4.2% and 2.9%, respectively). The frequency of subjects with each adverse event was similar between formulations with different APIs. The most frequent systemic unsolicited AEs were headache and hypertension (the latter with similar frequency in vaccinated and placebo: 4.4% vs. 3.9%, respectively). Most of the AEs occurred in the first 24 hours, were mild in intensity, solicited, and 73.8% were consistent with vaccination, 68.1% were related to the investigational product. An EAG consistent with vaccination was presented (an erythema multiforme, due to conditions inherent to the vaccinated); Two AEs of severe intensity not consistent with vaccination occurred in one subject (right lung and pancreas neoplasia and right middle lobe pneumonia).
Cambios a Summary study
The Cuban vaccine candidate FINLAY-FR-2 was found to be safe, well tolerated and immunogenic in a two-dose schedule. Administration of a third heterologous dose with FINLAY-FR-1A significantly increases immunogenicity.
The heterologous scheme that combines two doses of FINLAY-FR-2 or SOBERANA 02 and a booster dose with FINLAY-FR-1A or SOBERANA PLUS was immunogenic even after the two doses corresponding to the primary vaccination, with no differences between IFA. With all the variables studied (antibody titers and concentration, percentage of inhibition and neutralizing, molecular and viral activity), significant differences were detected between the study group and the control group. The booster effect of SOBERANA PLUS is verified in the comparisons with the panel of Cuban convalescents.
The induction of specific T cells was demonstrated, evidencing the induction of a Th1 pattern, which changes to a Th1/Th2 mixture when the booster dose is administered. The persistence of neutralizing antibodies up to 7-8 months after the booster dose is demonstrated.
Only one serious adverse event consistent with vaccination was reported, and no AEs of severe intensity consistent with vaccination occurred. The probability of exceeding the predicted level of toxicity was low. Most of the AEs were local and solicited. The most common AE was pain at the injection site, which occurred in approximately one-third of vaccinated individuals and less than one-tenth of placebo recipients.
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