Sección para completar los datos relacionados con las publicaciones que sirven de base al protocolo. Refiera hasta un máximo de 10 referencias.
1. Michael A, Pandha HS. Renal-cell carcinoma: tumour markers, T-cell epitopes, and potential for new therapies. Lancet Oncol 2003;4(4):215-23. antig 7
2. Marigo I, Dolcetti L, Serafini P, Zanovello P, Bronte V. Tumor-induced tolerance and immune suppression by myeloid derived suppressor cells. Immunol Rev. 2008 Apr;222:162-79.
3. Gabrilovich DI, Bronte V, Chen SH, Colombo MP, Ochoa A, Ostrand-Rosenberg S, et al. The terminology issue for myeloid-derived suppressor cells. Cancer Res. 2007 Jan 1;67(1):425; author reply 6.
4. Nagaraj S, Gupta K, Pisarev V, Kinarsky L, Sherman S, Kang L, et al. Altered recognition of antigen is a mechanism of CD8+ T cell tolerance in cancer. Nat Med. 2007 Jul;13(7):828-35.
5. Rodriguez PC, Quiceno DG, Ochoa AC. L-arginine availability regulates T-lymphocyte cell-cycle progression. Blood. 2007 Feb 15;109(4):1568-73.
6. Rodriguez PC, Ernstoff MS, Hernandez C, Atkins M, Zabaleta J, Sierra R, et al. Arginase I-producing myeloid-derived suppressor cells in renal cell carcinoma are a subpopulation of activated granulocytes. Cancer Res. 2009 Feb 15;69(4):1553-60.
7. Fernández A, Mesa C, Marigo I, Dolcetti L, Clavell M, Oliver L, et al. Inhibition of tumor-induced myeloid-derived suppressor cell function by a nanoparticulated adjuvant. J Immunol. 2011 Jan 1;186(1):264-74.
8. Mesa C, De León J, Rigley K, Fernández LE. Very small size proteoliposomes derived from Neisseria meningitidis: an effective adjuvant for Th1 induction and dendritic cell activation. Vaccine. 2004 Aug 13;22(23-24):3045-52.
9. Venier C, Guthmann MD, Fernández LE, Fainboim L. Innate-immunity cytokines induced by very small size proteoliposomes, a Neisseria-derived immunological adjuvant. Clin Exp Immunol. 2007 Feb;147(2):379-88.
10. Mesa C, de León J, Fernández LE. Very small size proteoliposomes derived from Neisseria meningitidis: An effective adjuvant for generation of CTL responses to peptide and protein antigens. Vaccine. 2006 Mar 24;24(14):2692-9.