Sección para completar los datos relacionados con las publicaciones que sirven de base al protocolo. Refiera hasta un máximo de 10 referencias.
1) Domínguez MC, Lorenzo N, Barberá A, Darrasse-Jeze G, Hernandez MV, Torres AM et al. An altered peptide ligand corresponding to a novel epitope from heat-shock protein 60 induces regulatory T cells and suppresses pathogenic response in an animal model of adjuvant induced arthritis. Autoimmunity 2011; 44 :471-82.
2)Barberá A, Lorenzo N, van Kooten P, et al. APL1, an altered peptide ligand derived from human heat-shock protein 60, increases the frequency of Tregs and its suppressive capacity against antigen responding effector CD4+T cells from rheumatoid arthritis patients. Cell Stress and Chaperones. 2016; 21:735–744.
3) Therapeutic effect of two altered peptide ligands derived from the human heat shock protein 60 in experimental models of rheumatoid arthritis. Biotecnología Aplicada 2013;30:153-156. María del C Domínguez, Norailys Lorenzo, Ariana Barberá, Gabriel Padrón et al.
4)Lorenzo N, Altruda F, Silengo L and Dominguez MC. APL-1, an altered peptide ligand derived from heat-shock protein, alone or combined with methotrexate attenuates murine collagen induced arthritis. ClinExpMed 2017; 17:209–216.
5)Domínguez MC, Cabrales A, Lorenzo N, Padrón G and Gonzalez LJ. Biodistribution and pharmacokinetic profiles of an Altered Peptide Ligand derived from Heat-shock proteins 60 in Lewis rats. Cell Stress and Chaperones.2020;25(1):133-140
6)Dinorah Prada, Jorge Gómez, Norailys Lorenzo, Oreste Corrales, et al. Phase I Clinical Trial with a Novel Altered Peptide Ligand Derived from Human Heat-Shock Protein 60 for Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis: Safety, Pharmacokinetics and Preliminary Therapeutic Effects. Journal of Clinical Trials 2018; 8:2167-0870
7)Cabrales-Rico, A., Ramos, Y., Besada, V., Del Carmen, D. M., Lorenzo, N. et al (2017): Development and validation of a bioanalytical method based on LC-MS/MS analysis for the quantitation of CIGB-814 peptide in plasma from Rheumatoid Arthritis patients. J Pharm.Biomed.Anal. 143: 130-140.
8)Oreste Corrales, Laura Hernández, Dinorah Prada, et al. CIGB-814, an altered peptide ligand derived from human heat-shock protein 60, decreases anti-cyclic citrullinated peptides antibodies in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Clinical Rheumatology 2019; 38:955–960.
9)Venegas-Rodriguez R et al (2020). CIGB-258 Immunomodulatory Peptide: Compassionate Use for Critical and Severe COVID-19 Patients. Austin J Pharmacol Ther 8(1).1119.
10)Hernandez-Cedeño M et al (2021). CIGB-258, a peptide derived from human heat-shock protein 60, decreases hyperinflammation in COVID-19 patients. Cell Stress and Chaperones. DOI: 10.1007/s12192-021-01197-2