Section to complete information about primary and secondary outcomes including. It includes the metric or method of measurement used and, the time point for every outcome.
Primary outcome(s):
1. Score of expected adverse events (allergic) and frequency of systemic reactions[ Rating expected adverse events (EAE): 10-point scale (1 = systemic reactions Grade 0, 2 = Local, 3 =Systemic Grade I, 4 = Systemic Grade II 7 = Systemic Grade III, 10 = Systemic Grade IV EAE: cumulative sum by the patient during the treatment or cross sum between patients receiving the same dose (to compare different dose tolerability). Frequency of systemic reactions: number of systemic reactions Grade I-IV divided by the number of injections]. Measuring time: daily for 84 days after the first injection.
2. Clinical respiratory symptoms and need for medication rating [Symptoms (shortness of breath, cough, sputum, wheezing and chest tightness). Each symptom 1 point, maximum of 5 points per day. Points will be added by the intensity 0: symptoms disappear spontaneously, 1: If necessary self-administered home therapy (tablets, syrups and sprays pressurized bronchodilators), 2: If the patient will need to attend the consultation of the research team or the emergency guard of any instance, 3: If the patient requires hospitalization. Need medication Scoring: 3-point scale (0 = no use, 1 = use of beta-2 agonists, methylxanthines, ephedrine, adrenaline, 2 = use of corticosteroids). The compound variable of symptoms and medication will be calculated as the simple sum of both scores]. Measuring time: daily, pre-treatment and for 84 days.
3. Expiratory lung function [spirometry forced technique with portable spirometer (DATOSPIR-70). Determine the Forced Vital Capacity (FVC), and Forced Expiratory Volume in one second (FEV1). Both are expressed as a percentage of the theoretical reference value calculated according to body weight of the patient]. Measuring time: pre-treatment, on days 1, 14, 28, 42, 56, 70 and 84.
4. Allergen-specific skin reactivity [Ch10, allergen concentration equivalent to a wheal area equal to that produced by histamine HCl 10 mg / mL]. Measuring time: Pretreatment, and 42 and 84 days after the first injection.
5. Determination of serum antibodies [Total IgE and allergen-specific IgE, IgG, IgG1, IgG2, IgG3, IgG4, ratio IgE / IgG, IgG antibodies specific to N. meningitidis]. Measuring time: Pretreatment, and 42 and 84 days after the first injection.
6. Allergen-specific cellular response of peripheral blood lymphocytes [Levels of secreted IL-4, IL-5, INFgamma, IL- Determination of Intracellular FOXP3 and CD25 cell markers]. Measuring time: Pretreatment, and 42 and 84 days after the first injection.
Key secondary outcomes:
1. Vital Signs (blood pressure, cardiac frequency, body temperature (axillary) and respiratory frequency).Measuring time: days 1, 14, 28, 42, 56, 70 and 84.
2. Clinical laboratory (CBC with differential, glucose, creatinine, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, total and direct bilirubin, total protein, hematocrit, platelet count total, glutamic pyruvic transaminase (GPT) and glutamic oxaloacetic (GOT), virus antigens Hepatitis B). Measuring time: Pretreatment, and 42 and 84 days after the first injection.