Section to complete information about primary and secondary outcomes including. It includes the metric or method of measurement used and, the time point for every outcome.
Primary outcome(s):
Presence of severe adverse events (Yes, No). Measuring time: until 24 hours after each CIGB-300 dose.
Key secondary outcomes:
Safety variables: Clinical adverse events (AE). Measuring time: until 24 hours after each CIGB-300 administration. Then, patients will be followed for safety during chemo-radiotherapy and each three months until one year after this. - Presence of AE (Yes, No), - Type of AE (Name of the AE), - Duration of the AE (time from appearance to end of the event), - Intensity of the AE (mild, moderate, severe), - Relation of causality of the AE (remote, possible, probable, very probable), - Result of the AE (recuperate, improvement, persist or sequels), - Attitude concerning the studied treatment (without changes, dose modification, temporal or definitive treatment discontinuation). Vital signs (body temperature in Celsius degrees, heart rate in beats per minute, blood pressure in mm Hg and respiratory rate in breaths per minute). Measuring time: before CIGB-300, at 30 minutes, 1h, 1h, 2h, 3h, 4h, 12h and 24h after injection. Laboratory tests (hemoglobin (g/L), hematocrit (L/L), leucocyte counts (x109/L), platelet count (x109/L), globular sedimentation rate (mm/h), glucemy (mmol/L), serum creatinine (?mol/L), AST (IU/L), ALT (IU/L). Measuring time: Before and 21 days after CIGB-300 treatment. Later weekly during chemo-radiotherapy and each three months during a one-year follow-up. Therapeutic response: Clinical-colposcopical evaluation: Size of the tumoral lesion (diameters and area of the tumor surface) captured by digital picture and measured using MADIP software. Measuring time: Before and 24 hours after the last CIGB-300 dose and whenever it is required by safety requirements. Biweekly during CRT and quarterly until complete 1 year after CRT. Imagenological evaluation of the lesion: Evaluation of the tumor size using Abdominal and transvaginal ultrasonography, CT scans, MRI, according to the evaluation criteria for solid tumors (RECIST). Measuring time: MRI: Before CIGB-300 treatment, 21 days after this, and after CRT quarterly until to complete 1 year. CT scans and abdominal and transvaginal ultrasonography: Before CIGB-300 treatment and one year after conventional treatment to define the presence of ganglionar metastases.