Section to complete information about primary and secondary outcomes including. It includes the metric or method of measurement used and, the time point for every outcome.
Primary outcome(s):
Overall Survival (time from randomization until death from any cause). Measuring time: 3,6,9,12,18, 24 months.
Key secondary outcomes:
Anti-EGF antibodies titers (serum dilutions). Measuring time: At baseline, quaterly during 4 first immunizations and then monthly in every immunization.
Serum EGF concentration (pg/mL). Measuring time: At baseline, at month six and at month 12.
Adverse Events-AE (Type: name of AE; Intensity: Mild, Moderate, Severe, Life- threatening, Death according to CTCAE version 4.0; Gravity: Serious, Not serious; Duration: Difference between the start and end dates of AE; Attitude to the drug: No change, Dose modification, Temporary interruption, Discontinuance of treatment; outcome of EA: recovered, improved, persists or squeals; Causality relationship (Very Likely, Likely, Possible, Not related, Unknown). Measuring time: 3,6,9,12,18, 24 months.