Section to complete information about primary and secondary outcomes including. It includes the metric or method of measurement used and, the time point for every outcome.
Primary outcome(s):
Quality of life (Instruments: EORTC QLQ-C30 and colorectal cancer specific QLQ-CR29, The final score and that of each item of both scales will be collected). Measurement time: at baseline, 3 months and final evaluation (4 weeks after finished the last cycle of chemotherapy).
Key secondary outcomes:
Effect variables
1. Tolerance (Compliance with the Chemotherapy scheme in time and at the planned doses. To assess the administration in time, the data related to administration or not of the QT in the planned time, number of the cycle administered out of date, Days elapsed since the previous cycle and, cause that caused the administration of the QT outside the planned date. In the case of the dose, the medication in which it was modified will be taken into account, as well as the modified dose). Measurement time: Month 3 and, in the final evaluation (4 weeks after finished the last cycle of chemotherapy).
2. Nutritional status (Calculation of the Body Mass Index (BMI = Weight (kg) / Size (cm)). Measurement Time: At baseline, after 3 months and in the final evaluation (4 weeks after finished the last cycle of chemotherapy).
Security variables
3. Adverse event-AE. Measurement time: Month 3 and in the final evaluation (4 weeks after finished the last cycle of chemotherapy). The AE will measure by:
- Occurrence of some AE in the subject (yes / no).
- Type of AE (the AEs will be named by the terms used in the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE), version 4.0.))
- Intensity of the AE: (Light, Moderate, Severe, Serious that threatens life or incapacitates the subject and Death).
- Seriousness of the AE (serious or not serious)
- Duration of the AE (Difference between the start and end date of the event)
- Attitude regarding the treatment under study (no changes, dose modification, temporary or definitive interruption of the study treatment)
- Result of the AE (recovered, improved, persisted or sequelae)
- Causality relationship (very probable, probable, possible, improbable, unrelated, not evaluable).