1. Expiratory lung function (spirometer forced technique with portable spirometer (DATOSPIR-70). Determine the Forced Vital Capacity (FVC), and Forced Expiratory Volume in one second (FEV1). Both are expressed as a percentage of the theoretical reference value calculated according to body weight of the patient). Measuring time: pre-treatment, 42 days, 3, 8, and 14 months.
2. Skin reactivity: (value Ch10: relative allergen concentration causing in the patient a similar wheal to induced wheal by a HCL histamine solution (10 mg/mL= 54.3 mmol/L de Histamina base)). Measuring time: pre-treatment, 42 days, 3, 8, and 14 months.
3. Quality of life (Asthma Questionnaire Life Quality (Juniper)). Measuring time: Pretreatment and 3, 8, and 14 months.
4. Allergen-specific antibodies (antibody titer determination and IgG4 serum allergen-specific IgE in patients using an indirect ELISA). Measuring time: pre-treatment, 42 days, 3, 8, and 14 months.
5. Adverse events-AE (- Occurrence of some AE in the patient (Yes, No); - Description of the AE (Name of adverse event); - According to available previous information (Unexpected, Expected); - According to its localization the expected AE (World Allergy Organization Criterion: local and systemic AE (0= Nonspecific Symptoms, I= Mild systemic reactions, II= Moderate systemic reactions, III= Severe (nonlife-threatening) systemic reactions, IV= Anaphylactic shock)); - Duration of the AE (Difference of dates between star and stop of event);- Intensity of the AE (Light, Moderate, Severe); - Seriousness of the AE (Serious, No serious); - Attitude regarding the treatment in study (No changes, Dose modification, Temporary interruption, Definitive interruption of the treatment in study); - Result of the AE (Recovered, Improved, Persists, Sequels); - Causality Relationship (1.Very likely, 2.Likely, 3.Possible, 4.Unlikely, 5.Not related, 6.Not evaluated)). Measuring time: days 0, 14, 28, 42, 56, months 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12 and 14.