Related to the efect:
1. Compliance with the treatment with chemotherapy (CT) and Immunotherapy (IT) in time and the doses are planned (Data related to administration or not of the CT/IT in the planned time, number of the cycle administered out of date, Days elapsed since the previous cycle and, cause that caused the administration of the CT/IT outside the planned date. In the case of the dose, the medication in which it was modified will be taken into account, as well as the modified dose). Measurement time: During the time of the CT/IT concurrent, and then, during the time of it.
2. Nutritional status (Body Mass Index). Measurement time: At baseline and, 3, 6, 9 and, 12 months
Related to the Safety
3. Adverse Events-AE (Occurrence of an AE in the subject [Yes, No]; Description of the AE [Name of the event]; Duration of the AE [Difference between the start and end date of the event]; Intensity of the AE [According to CTCAE version 4 it will classify in Light, Moderate, Severe, Life-threatening consequences, Death related to AE]; Seriousness of the AE [serious or not serious], Attitude with respect to the treatment under study [No changes, dose modification, temporary or definitive interruption of the study treatment], Result of the AE [recovered, improved, persisted or sequelae], Causal relationship [According to WHO algorithm it will classify in very probable, probable, possible, improbable, unrelated, not evaluable]). Measurement time: 3, 6, 9, 12 months.
4. Hematology tests (Hemoglobin, Platelets, Hemogram with differential). Measurement time: at baseline and, 3, 6, 9, 12 months.
5. Blood Chemistry tests (GPT, GOT, Creatinine, Glycemia, Bilirrubin, Alkaline Phosphatase, LDH). Measurement time: at baseline and, 3, 6, 9, 12 months.