Section to complete information about primary and secondary outcomes including. It includes the metric or method of measurement used and, the time point for every outcome.
Primary outcome(s):
Hemogram (Hemoglobin, Hematocrit, Leukogram with differential and Platelets). Measurement time: at baseline and, 8 weeks after randomization
Lymphocyte subpopulations (CD3+/CD4+, CD3+/CD8+, CD19+ and, CD3-/CD56 +). Measurement time: at baseline and, 8 weeks after randomization
Igs Quantification (IgA, IgM and, IgG). Measurement time: at baseline and, 8 weeks after randomization
Complement Quantification (C3 and C4). Measurement time: at baseline and, 8 weeks after randomization
Key secondary outcomes:
Clinical response variables
1. COVID-19 infection (occurrence of complications and mortality). Measurement time: at baseline and, 8 weeks after randomization.
2. Infections (Number (0 to infinity), Type (depending on the organ or system affected), Need for antibiotic treatment (Yes or No), Etiology (Bacterial, Viral, Fungal or Parasitic), Route of administration of antibiotic treatment (Oral and / o Parenteral), Need for hospital admission (Yes or No), Mortality due to infection (Yes or No), Acute phase reactants (C-Reactive Protein and Ferritin)). Measurement time: at baseline and, 8 weeks after randomization.
3. Adverse Events-AE (AE will be classified according to Type (name of AE), Location (Local or Systemic), Time of appearance (immediate or late), Duration (Less than one day or Greater than one day), Previous knowledge (expected or unexpected), Intensity ( Mild, Moderate, or Severe), Consequence (Serious or Not Serious), Causation (Very Probable / Safe, Probable, Possible, Improbable, Unrelated, Not Evaluable / Not Classifiable), Outcome of Adverse Event (Recovered, Not Recovered, Recovered with sequelae, Death or Unknown) and attitude towards the study treatment (Continuation or definitive interruption). Measurement time: during all administrations of the product and, 8 weeks after randomization.