Section to complete information about primary and secondary outcomes including. It includes the metric or method of measurement used and, the time point for every outcome.
Primary outcome(s):
1. EGF concentration (the EGF concentration in the blood of the patients expressed in pg / mL will be determined). Measurement time: At baseline, 14 days (+3) from the end of the induction phase (4th dose of the vaccine) and 14 days (+3) from the evaluation at the end of the study treatment (8th dose of the vaccine) .
2. Anti-EGF antibody titers (measurement of anti-EGF antibody titers will be performed in response to short-term vaccination and will determine if it is ≥ 1: 4000). Measurement time: At baseline, 14 days (+3) after the end of the induction phase (4th dose of the vaccine) and 14 days (+3) after the evaluation at the end of the study treatment (8th dose of the vaccine).
3. Serum IL-6 concentration. (pg / ml). Measurement time: At baseline, weeks 8 and 24.
4. Total bilirubin. (mg / dL). Measurement time: At baseline, weeks 8 and 24.
5. Neutrophil / lymphocyte ratio (neutrophil / lymphocyte ratio). Measurement time: At baseline, weeks 8 and 24.
6. Platelet / lymphocyte ratio (platelet / lymphocyte ratio). Measurement time: At baseline, weeks 8 and 24.
7. Absolute count and frequency of CD4 + T cells (total and%). Measurement time: At baseline, weeks 8 and 24. 7.
8. Absolute count and frequency of CD8 + T cells (total and%). Measurement time: At baseline, weeks 8 and 24. 8.
9. CD4 / CD8 Index (CD4 / CD8 Ratio). Measurement time At baseline, weeks 8 and 24.
Key secondary outcomes:
1. (Occurrence of an AE (Yes, No), Type of AE (according to the CTC version 5.0 nomenclature), Duration of the AE (Differences between the start and end dates of the AE), Intensity of the AE (Light, Moderate, Severe, Severe threatening or incapacitating, Severe causing death, according to CTC version 5.0), Causation of AE (Definitive, Very likely, Probable, Possible, Unrelated, Unknown), Severity of AE (Yes, No. In case of seriousness, it will be classified according to the categories of: causes the death of the patient, threatens life, requires hospitalization or prolongs an existing hospitalization, produces a disability, significant or persistent disability, produces a birth defect or a congenital anomaly), Attitude versus the treatment under study (No changes, Dose modification, Temporary interruption of treatment, Definitive interruption of treatment, according to the attitude decided by the clinical investigator), AE Result (Recovered, Improved, Persists, Sec uelas)). Measurement time: Weeks 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 14, 18, 22, 24 and 30.
2. Clinical response (For patients included in Cohort A, it will be evaluated through the respiratory function test and the COPD status will be collected at the end of treatment according to the GOLD criteria. For patients included in Cohort B, it will be evaluated through imaging and will collect the control of the disease in local relapse or relapse at a distance). Measurement time: At baseline, and at week 24 from the beginning of CIMAvax-EGF treatment.