1. EGFR, KRAS, BRAF mutations and ALK, ROS1 and PD-L1 expression in paraffin biopsies ((EGF, KRAS, BRAF determined by Molecular Biology ; ALK, ROS1 y PD-L1 by Immunohistochemistry). Measurement time: At diagnosis of the disease
2. EGFR, KRAS, BRAF mutations in liquid biopsies (cfDNA) (determined by Molecular Biology). Measurement time: At diagnosis of the disease, day o and 6, 24 and, 36 months.
3. EGF gene polymorphism (Allele specific RT PCR technology). Measurement time: Before administration of cyclophosphamide (Day 0)
4. Genetic profile of the nasal epithelium (micorarray technology). Measurement time: At diagnosis of the disease, day 0, and 6, 24 and, 36 months.
5. Evaluation of cytokines and EGFR growth factors (concentrations of EGF, TGF alpha, IL8, IL4, IL-13 and other cytokines as well as antibodies vs EGF). Measurement time: Before administration of cyclophosphamide (Day 0) and the months 3 (5th immunization), 6, 12, 15, 18, 24, 30 and, 36.
6. EGF concentration and Antibody response vs EGF. (Ab concentrations vs EGF) Measurement time: Before administration of cyclophosphamide (Day 0) and the months 3 (5th immunization), 6, 12, 15, 18, 24, 30 and, 36.
7. Lymphocyte subpopulations in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC): (concentrations of naive T CD8 cells, effector T CD8 cells, naive T CD4 cells, effector T CD4 cells, Th17 cells, T regs cells, B CD19 + cells, T CD4 + cells, T CD8 + cells, T CD8 + CD28- cells, CD4 / CD8 index, other cells). Measurement time: Before administration of cyclophosphamide (Day 0) and 6, 12, 18, 24, 30 and, 36 months.
8. Overall survival (Time from the recruitment date until to the date of death. In case of not being certain of the death of the patient, the time elapsed until the date on which the latest news of the patient is recorded in the clinical history will be collected). Measurement time: From recruitment until death or last contact
9. Progression-free survival (Time from the recruitment date until to the date of disease progression, or death from any cause). Measurement time: Every 3 months, during 3 years.