1. Mortality (Proportion of patients to die and their causes). Measurement time: during hospital stay.
2. Stay during serious condition (Time, in days, from inclusion in the trial to discharge from severe condition or progression to critical condition). Measurement time: At discharge from serious condition or progression to critical condition
3. Stay during critical condition (Time, in days, from the critical condition is established until the extubation or fatal outcome). Measurement time: At extubation moment or fatal outcome
4. Hospital stay (Time, in days, from hospital admission to discharge or fatal outcome). Measurement time: At hospital discharge or fatal outcome
5. Changes in the values of the biomarkers (Modification of the values in the absolute count of lymphocytes, C-reactive protein, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, lactate dehydrogenase – LDH). Measurement time: before time 0, 48 hours, 96 hours and, end of treatment.
6. Hyperinflammation and coagulopathy score parameters (Temperature, visceromegaly, cytopenias, triglycerides, aspartate aminotransferase - TGO, fibrinogen, ferritin, D-dimer). Measurement time: before time 0, 48 hours, 96 hours and, end of treatment.
7. Immune response in serum (It will measure through the determination of cytokines: IL-6, IL-10, IL-17, TNF, and INFγ, through commercial ELISAs). Measurement time: before time 0, 96 hours and, end of treatment.
8. Phenotype of T cells (It will measure through the determination of the TH1, TH17 and Treg phenotypes, through flow cytometry). Measurement time: before time 0 and, end of treatment.
9. Imaging response (The evolution of lung lesions will be evaluated by chest X-ray, TAC or pulmonary ultrasound). Measurement time: after starting treatment (and when clinically indicated).
10. Adverse Events-AE (They will be measured as: -Occurrence of AE (Yes, No), -Description of AE (name of event), -Intensity of AE (mild, moderate, severe), -Causality relationship (not related, doubtful , possible, probable, definitive), -Measures adopted (None, Administration of any pharmacological therapy, Addition of a non-pharmacological therapy, Study exit, Hospitalization / prolongation of hospitalization), -Result (Completely resolved, Resolved with sequelae, Conditions in improvement, Present and unchanged condition, Worsening, Death caused by this event)). Measurement time: daily during the entire period of admission to the ICU.