Efficacy related:
1. Degree of dementia. Measured by GDS (1 Absence of cognitive deficit. 2 Very mild cognitive deficit, 3 Mild cognitive deficit, 4 Moderate cognitive deficit, 5 Moderately severe cognitive deficit, 6 Severe cognitive deficit, 7 Very severe cognitive deficit. Measurement time: start, weeks 52 and 78.
2. Classification of dementia by CDR (0: No deterioration.0.5: Doubtful deterioration.1: Mild deterioration.2: Moderate deterioration.
3: Severe deterioration.). Measurement time: start, weeks 52 and 78.
3. General cognitive status. Measured by MoCA (≥ 26 points: Normal, 25-22 points: MCI, 21-18 points: mild impairment, 17-14 points: moderate impairment, < 14 points: severe impairment. Measurement time: start, weeks 52 and 78.
4. Global assessment of the patient's condition. Measured by CIBIC plus (1 point: Marked improvement. 2 points: Moderate improvement. 3 points: Minimal improvement. 4 points: No change. 5 points: Minimal worsening. 6 points: Moderate worsening. 7 points: Marked worsening. Measurement time: weeks 52 and 78.
5. Validity index in the basic activities of daily life. Measured by Katz Index (A. Independent in all functions B. Independent in all functions except any one, C. Independent in all functions except in the bathroom and any other, D. Independent in all functions except in the bathing, dressing and any other, E. Independent in all functions except bathing, dressing, toileting and any other, F. Independent in all functions except bathing, dressing, toileting, mobility and any other , G. Dependent on all functions, H. Dependent on at least two functions, but not classifiable as C, D, E or F) . Measurement time: start, weeks 52 and 78.
6. Validity index in instrumental activities of daily living. Measured by Lawton Index (Female: 0-1 point Total Dependence, 2-3 points Severe, 4-5 points Moderate, 6-7 points mild, 8 points Autonomous. Male: 0 point Total Dependence, 1 point Severe, 2- 3 points Moderate, 4 points mild, 5 points Autonomous). Measurement time: start, weeks 52 and 78.
7. Psycho-behavioral manifestations. Measures by NPI (Maximum score 120 points. The higher the score, the worse the patient is). Measurement time: start, weeks 52 and 78.
8. Degree of depression. Measured by the Cornell scale (Less than 12 points: No depression. 12 to 24 points: Minor or mild depression. 25 or more points: Major depression). Measurement time: start, weeks 52 and 78.
9. Brain perfusion. Measured by SPECT (Significant increase: Increase greater than 10%. Slight increase: Increase 5-10% in some regions, keeping others unchanged. No change: No variation with respect to the initial study. Decrease: Decrease greater than 5%) . Measurement time: start, weeks 78.
10. Glucose metabolism. Measured by FDG-PET(Final-initial change observed in the pattern of hypometabolism of glucose at the loco-regional level in the brain, it will be evaluated if the patient improved, worsened or remained stable). Measurement time: start, weeks 78.
11. Hippocampal atrophy. Measurement by MRI (Variations less than or equal to 4%±2: stable patient). Measurement time: start, week 78.
Security related:
• Severity of the adverse event (serious, not serious). Measurement time tstart, weeks 52 and 78..
• Type of adverse event (will classify the type of adverse event according to the categories established in Regulation 45 of 2007 of the CECMED). Measurement time start, weeks 52 and 78..
• Intensity of the adverse event (mild, moderate, severe). Measurement time start, weeks 52 and 78..
• Causality of the adverse event (definite, very likely, likely, possible, unlikely, unrelated, not evaluable). Measurement time start, weeks 52 and 78..
• Attitude towards the drug (no changes, dose modification, temporary or definitive interruption). Measurement time start, weeks 52 and 78.
• Outcome (recovered, recovered with sequelae requiring treatment, recovered with sequelae not requiring treatment, death). Measurement timestart, weeks 52 and 78.
• Hemoglobin (According to the values stipulated in each center). Measurement time: start, weeks 52 and .
• Hematocrit (According to the values stipulated in each center). Measurement time: start, weeks 52 and .
• Platelet count (According to the values stipulated in each center). Measurement time: start, weeks 52 and .
• White blood cell count (According to the values stipulated in each center). Measurement time: start, weeks 52 and .
• Glycaemia (According to the values stipulated in each center). Measurement time: start, weeks 52 and .
• Glutamic oxalacetic transaminase (GOT) (According to the values stipulated in each center). Measurement time: start, weeks 52 and .
• Glutamic-pyruvic transaminase (GTP) (According to the values stipulated in each center). Measurement time: start, weeks 52 and .
• Cholesterol (According to the values stipulated in each center). Measurement time: start, weeks 52 and .
• Triglycerides (According to the values stipulated in each center). Measurement time: start, weeks 52 and .
• Creatinine (According to the values stipulated in each center). Measurement time: start, weeks 52 and .
• Uric acid (According to the values stipulated in each center). Measurement time: start, weeks 52 and .
• ECG (Normal, Abnormal). Measurement time: start, weeks 52 and 78