Section to complete information about primary and secondary outcomes including. It includes the metric or method of measurement used and, the time point for every outcome.
Primary outcome(s):
Resolution or improvement (percentage of patients) of the main respiratory symptoms (odynophagia, nasal obstruction, rhinorrhea, fever). Time of measurement: on the 3rd or 5th day after starting treatment.
Key secondary outcomes:
1) Time of evolution (days) of each of the symptoms associated with ARI and identified at the time of inclusion of the patient in the study. Time of measurement: daily, until the cessation or improvement of each symptom.
2) Percentage of patients with resolution of main respiratory symptoms. Time of measurement: 7th and 12th after starting treatment.
3) Appearance of complications specific to the disease under study, after the start of treatment (type and duration [days]). Special attention will be paid to the warning signs of acute respiratory infections (polypnea at rest >32/min, indrawing, central cyanosis, laryngeal stridor, temperature ˂35.5 °C or >39.0 °C, behavioral changes [great adynamia or psychomotor agitation], hemodynamic disorders, purulent or hemoptoic expectoration, chest pain, wheezing or chest tightness).
4) Clinical Adverse Events-AE (These will be measured as: -Occurrence of AE (Yes, No), -Description of the AE (name of the event), -Intensity of the AE (mild, moderate, severe), -Causal relationship (unrelated, doubtful, possible, probable, definite), -Measures adopted (None, Administration of any pharmacological therapy, Addition of a non-pharmacological therapy, Exit from the study, Hospitalization/prolongation of hospitalization), -Outcome (Completely resolved, Resolved with sequelae, Conditions improving, Condition present and unchanged, Worsening, Death caused by this event)). Measurement time: at 72 hours, as well as on the 5th, 7th and 12th day (in person at the clinical site, with review of the outpatient adverse event card, in the possession of each patient).