
Date register of trial

Trials for date register in the RPCEC

Date of Registration Public title Sponsorsort icon State
29/02/2024 Quality of life and safety of CARMINAL® nutritional supplement in patients with mild or moderate ulcerative colitis CATALYSIS Registered
07/03/2024 Quality of Life and safety of the nutritional supplement Deprexil® or Placebo in combination with cognitive stimulation treatment in patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment and Mild Alzheimer's Dementia. CATALYSIS Registered
2008-09-12 Tisuacryl® in Dentistry BIOMAT Registered
2008-09-12 Tisuacryl® in esophageal surgery BIOMAT Registered
2008-09-30 Cutaneous Use of Tisuacryl® BIOMAT Registered
2008-09-18 Tisuacryl® in Dental Hyperesthesia BIOMAT Registered
11/03/2016 Biograft-G in Dentistry BIOMAT Registered
2012-04-02 Sublingual immunotherapy with VALERGEN-Asthma-Children-Phase II BIOCEN Registered
2012-04-13 Combined Subcutaneous immunotherapy VALERGEN-DP and VALERGEN-BT-Asthma-Adults-Phase II BIOCEN Registered
2013-01-04 Subcutaneous immunotherapy with PROLINEM -Asthma- Adults-Fase I BIOCEN Registered
2010-12-07 Efficacy of VALERGENT-BT subcutaneous vaccine in asthmatic adults BIOCEN Registered
2010-12-07 Efficacy of VALERGEN-DP subcutaneous vaccine in asthmatic adults BIOCEN Registered
2010-12-07 Efficacy of VALERGEN-DS subcutaneous vaccine in asthmatic adults. BIOCEN Registered
2010-12-08 Efficacy of VALERGEN-BT sublingual vaccine in asthmatic adults. BIOCEN Registered
2010-12-08 Efficacy of VALERGEN-DS sublingual vaccine in asthmatic adults BIOCEN Registered
2010-12-09 Evidence of the clinical efficacy of VALERGEN-DS vaccine in asthmatics. BIOCEN Registered
2010-12-09 Evidence of the clinical efficacy of VALERGEN-BT vaccine in asthmatics BIOCEN Registered
2010-12-09 Efficacy of VALERGEN-DP sublingual vaccine in asthmatic adults. BIOCEN Registered
2010-12-09 Evidence of the clinical efficacy of VALERGEN-DP vaccine in asthmatics BIOCEN Registered
05/05/2020 Biomodulina T - IM- covid-19 - older adultos - Phase IV clinical trial BIOCEN Registered