Comparing two revisions:

13 February 2021 - 9:52am by FINLAY22 April 2021 - 2:03pm by FINLAY
Changes to Recruitment status
Changes to Key secondary outcomes
1) Solicited Local and systemic Adverse Events (AE) (They will measure as: -Occurrence of the AE (Yes, No), Duration (Time from start date until end date of event), -Intensity of the AE (mild, moderate, severe), -Severe (Serious, not serious), -Result (Recovered, Recovered with sequelae, Persists, Death, Unknown), -Causation (causal association consistent with vaccination, Indeterminate, causal association inconsistent with vaccination, not classifiable)). Measurement time: daily for 7 days after dose.
1) Solicited Local and systemic Adverse Events (AE) (They will measure as: -Occurrence of the AE (Yes, No), Duration (Time from start date until end date of event), -Intensity of the AE (mild, moderate, severe), -Severe (Serious, not serious), -Result (Recovered, Recovered with sequelae, Persists, Death, Unknown), -Causation (causal association consistent with vaccination, Indeterminate, causal association inconsistent with vaccination, not classifiable)). Measurement time: daily for 7 days after dose.
2) Unsolicited Adverse Events (AE) (They will measure as: Description of the AE (name of the event), Duration (Time from start date until end date of event), -Intensity of the AE (mild, moderate, severe), -Severe (Serious, not serious) , -Result (Recovered, Recovered with sequelae, Persists, Death, Unknown), -Causality (causal association consistent with vaccination, Undetermined, causal association inconsistent with vaccination, not classifiable)). Measurement time: daily for 28 days after dose .
2) Unsolicited Adverse Events (AE) (They will measure as: Description of the AE (name of the event), Duration (Time from start date until end date of event), -Intensity of the AE (mild, moderate, severe), -Severe (Serious, not serious) , -Result (Recovered, Recovered with sequelae, Persists, Death, Unknown), -Causality (causal association consistent with vaccination, Undetermined, causal association inconsistent with vaccination, not classifiable)). Measurement time: daily for 28 days after dose .
3) Concentration of specific anti-RBD IgG antibodies (Percentage of subjects with seroconversion 4 fold). Measurement time: Day 7, 14 and 28.
3) Concentration of specific anti-RBD IgG antibodies (Percentage of subjects with seroconversion 4 fold). Measurement time: Prevaccination, Day 7, 14 and 28 after vaccination.
4) Neutralizing antibody titer: Measurement time: Day 0 and 28.
4) Neutralizing antibody titer: Measurement time: Prevaccination and day 14 after vaccination.
5)% ACE2-RBD inhibition: Measurement time: Day 0, 7, 14 and 28.
5)% ACE2-RBD inhibition: Measurement time: Prevaccination, 7, 14 and 28 days after vaccination.
6)Cellular Immunity prevaccination and 28 days after vaccination.
Changes to Record Verification Date
Changes to Next update date
Revision of 22 April 2021 - 2:03pm: