1. Infections from other systems (Number (0 to infinity), Type (Digestive, Skin and soft tissues, Genitourinary, CNS, SOMA, Generalized, Other), Etiology (Bacterial, Viral, Fungal or Parasitic), Need for antibiotic treatment (Yes or No), Route of administration of antibiotic treatment (Oral or Parenteral), Need for hospital admission (Yes or No) and Mortality due to infection (Yes or No). Measurement time: In the initial evaluation, in the monthly evaluation, and final evaluation (6 weeks).
2. COVID-19 infection (Occurrence (Yes or No), Complications (Yes or No) and Mortality (Yes or No)). Measurement time: In the evaluation per month and final evaluation (6 weeks).
3. Immunological Evaluation that will consist of Hemogram (Hemoglobin, Hematocrit, Leukogram with differential), Measurement time: In the initial and final evaluation; Lymphocyte subpopulations (CD3 + / CD4 +, CD3 + / CD8 +, CD19 + and CD3-CD56 +) and Igs Quantification (IgA, IgM and IgG) the immunological study will be measured: In the initial evaluation, one week after completing the treatment and final evaluation (6 weeks).
4. Adverse events-AE (Type (Name of AE), Location (Local or Systemic), Time of appearance (immediate or late), Duration (Less than one day or Greater than one day), Previous knowledge (expected or unexpected), Intensity (mild , moderate or severe), Consequence (serious or not serious), Causation (Very probable / certain, Probable, Possible, Improbable, Not related, Not evaluable / not classifiable), Outcome of AD (Recovered, Not Recovered, Recovered with sequelae, Death or Unknown) and attitude towards the study treatment (Continuation or definitive interruption)). Measurement time: During all administrations of the product. In the evaluation per month, and final evaluation.
In a sample of 30 randomly selected patients, from the “Alfredo Gomez Gendra” Nursing Home, it will be where the immunological parameters will be evaluated, before and after treatment, and their association with clinical variables will be evaluated by statistical methods. Carrying out the immunological study constitutes a research project led by the IHI.