1. Infections during the study:
a.Respiratory infections ((Number (0-infinity), Type (1-Upper Respiratory like common cold, sinusitis, otitis, laryngitis or pharyngotonsillitis, 2-Lower Respiratory like bronchitis or bronchopneumonia), Etiology (Bacterial, Viral, Fungal, Parasitic ), Need for antibiotic / antiviral treatment (Yes, No), Route of administration of antibiotic / antiviral treatment (Oral, Parenteral), Need for hospital admission (Yes, No) and Mortality from infection (Yes, No)). Measurement time: Between 1 to 14 days after the evaluation of the response to treatment with QT, at the beginning of treatment with Biomodulin® T (BMT), between 7 to 14 days after the end of treatment with BMT and 8 weeks after the end of the treatment with BMT.
b. Infections from other systems (They will be classified according to Number (0 to infinity), Type (Digestive, Skin and soft tissues, Genitourinary, CNS, SOMA, Generalized, Other), Etiology (Bacterial, Viral, Fungal or Parasitic), Need for Antibiotic / antiviral treatment (Yes or No), Route of administration of antibiotic / antiviral treatment (Oral or Parenteral), Need for hospital admission (Yes or No) and Mortality due to infection (Yes or No)). Measurement time: Between 1 to 14 days after the evaluation of the response to treatment with QT, at the beginning of treatment with Biomodulin® T (BMT), between 7 to 14 days after the completion of treatment with BMT and 8 weeks after the end of BMT treatment.
c. COVID-19 infection ((Occurrence (Yes or No), Complications (Yes or No) and Mortality (Yes or No)). Measurement time: Between 1 to 14 days after the evaluation of the response to treatment with CH, at the beginning of treatment with Biomodulin® T (BMT), between 7 to 14 days after the completion of treatment with BMT and 8 weeks after the end of BMT treatment.
2. Adverse Events-AE (According to Type (name of AE), Location (Local or Systemic), Time of appearance (immediate or late), Duration (Less than one day or Greater than one day), Prior knowledge (expected or unexpected ), Intensity (mild, moderate or severe), Consequence (serious or not serious), Causation (Highly probable / certain, Probable, Possible, Unlikely, Not related, Not evaluable / not classifiable), Outcome of AE (Recovered, Not Recovered , Recovered with sequelae, Death or Unknown) and attitude towards study treatment (Continuation or definitive interruption)). Measurement time: Between 1 to 14 days after evaluation of the response to treatment with QT, at the beginning of treatment with Biomodulin ® T (BMT), between 7 to 14 days after the end of the BMT treatment and 8 weeks after the end of the BMT treatment.