1- Anti-RBD specific IgG antibody levels: UMELISA SARS-CoV-2 ANTI S for the quantification of IgG antibodies directed against the RBD protein of SARS-CoV-2. Measurement time: 0, 28 days, 6 months and one year.
- Percentage of ACE2 inhibition: RBD:ACE2 interaction inhibition ELISA. Measurement time: 0, 28 days, 6 months and one year.
2 - Concentration of anti-TT IgG antibody: ELISA for determination of anti-TT IgG. Measurement time: 0 and one year.
3 - Determination of anti-RBD specific T cell populations: Assessment of the specific T response to the RBD by intracellular cytokine staining and multiparameter flow cytometry. Measurement time: 0, 28 days, 6 months and one year.
4 - Anti-SARS-CoV-2 N Protein IgG antibody concentration: quantitative indirect ELISA to determine anti-SARS-CoV-2 N Protein IgG antibody levels. Measurement time: 0, 28 days, 6 months and one year.
5 - Variables related to safety: Adverse Event (AE) Requested, Unsolicited.
6 - Requested AE (Any sign or symptom that appears after vaccination and up to 7 days after it is declared as requested AE). Description of the AE (Any sign or symptom that appears after vaccination and up to 7 days declared as requested AE), Duration of the AE (less than 24 hours, from 24 to 48 hours, more than 48 to 72 hours, more than 72 hours), AE Onset (less than 60 minutes, 60 minutes to 24 hours, more than 24 to 48 hours, more than 48 to 72 hours, more than 72 hours), AE Intensity (Mild, Moderate, Severe) , AE Severity (Serious, Non-severe), AE Outcome (Recovered, Recovered with sequelae, Persists, Death, Unknown), Causal relationship (Causal association consistent with vaccination, Undetermined, Causal association inconsistent with vaccination, Not classifiable ). Measuring time: 0, 28 days, 6 months and one year
7 - Unsolicited AE (Any sign or symptom that appears after vaccination and within 28 days, that is not within the AE requested.) Description of the AE (Any sign or symptom that appears after vaccination and up to 7 days declared as Requested EAs), EA Duration (less than 24 hours, from 24 to 48 hours, more than 48 to 72 hours, more than 72 hours), EA Appearance (less than 60 minutes, from 60 minutes to 24 hours, more than 24 up to 48 hours, more than 48 up to 72 hours, more than 72 hours), AE Intensity (Mild, Moderate, Severe), AE Severity (Serious, Not Serious), AE Outcome (Recovered, Recovered with sequelae, Persists, Death, Unknown), Causal relationship (Causal association consistent with vaccination, Undetermined, Causal association inconsistent with vaccination, Not classifiable). Measurement time: 0, 28 days, 6 months and one year.