Section to complete information about primary and secondary outcomes including. It includes the metric or method of measurement used and, the time point for every outcome.
Primary outcome(s):
1. Opsonophagocytic activity - OPA (Geometric mean titers (GMT) of serotype-specific opsonophagocytic activity). Measurement time: At baseline and 30 days post-vaccination.
2. Seroconversion (Defined as a 4-fold increase in serotype-specific opsonophagocytic activity titers after vaccination compared to the value reported prior to the intervention). Measurement time: At baseline and 30 days post-vaccination.
3. Adverse events-AE (Type of AE (Description of the adverse event presented according to the doctor's description), Severity of the AE (severe/serious, non-serious/non-serious), Intensity of the AE (mild, moderate, and severe), Causality of the AE (It will be classified as: A. With a causal association consistent with the vaccine or the vaccination process Events with a causal association consistent with the vaccine or any of its components. A1. Event related to the vaccine or any of its components. A2. Event related to a quality deviation of the vaccine. Events with a causal association consistent with the vaccination process. A3. Event related to a programmatic error. A4. Stress event that occurred immediately before, during, or immediately after the vaccination process. B. Undetermined. B1. The temporal relationship is consistent, but there is not enough definitive evidence to assign causality to the vaccine. B2. Factors determining classification show conflicting trends for and against a causal association with vaccination. C. No congruent causal association with the vaccine or vaccination (coincident event) The event is caused by an underlying or emerging disease or by a condition caused by exposure to something other than a vaccine. D. Not classifiable), Treatment of the AE (The treatment that the subject received to counteract the AE will be specified: medication, dose, route of administration, start and end date of the same), Result of the AE (recovered, recovered with sequelae, persists, death, unknown), Duration of the AE (≤ 24 hours, > 24-≤ 48 hours, > 48-≤ 72 hours, more than 72 hours), Onset of AE (60 minutes, ≤ 24 hours, > 24-≤ 48 hours, > 48-≤ 72 hours, more than 72 hours)). Measurement time: From vaccination to 30 days post-vaccination.
4. Vital signs (systolic/diastolic blood pressure (mmHg), heart rate (HR; beats/min.), respiratory rate (RR; inspirations/min.), temperature (T; °C)). Measurement time: Before and, after administration
5. Clinical laboratory tests (These studies will be performed on 50 participants (25 in each group) who will be included in stage IIa. A blood sample (10 mL) will be obtained, before and after vaccination, to perform hematological studies (blood count with differential) and blood chemistry (glycemia, creatinine and transaminases)). Measurement time: At baseline and, 30 days post-vaccination.
Key secondary outcomes:
1. Anti-PsC IgG antibody concentration (µg/mL) of the common serotypes between VCN11 and Prevnar-13®, and the serotype 22F included in VCN11. The 95% credibility interval will be estimated for the ratio of the Geometric Means between the experimental group and the control group, and the increase in the geometric mean of the concentrations with respect to the pre-vaccination values (MGCpost/MGCpre) will also be estimated in each group, with the associated 95% confidence interval. Measurement time: At baseline and 30 days after vaccination.
2. Serotype-specific memory B cell levels for the vaccine candidate VCN11 and PCV13® (The 95% credibility interval will be estimated for the B cell levels for each serotype). Measurement time: At baseline and 30 days after vaccination.
3. Colonized serotype (Descriptive measurements will be made of % of colonized by pneumococcus and circulating serotypes). Measurement time: At baseline.