Safety variables:
- Presence of adverse events (AE) (distribution frequency for the appearance of adverse events (Yes, No), type of event (name of the AE), duration (time from appearance to end of the event), intensity of AE (mild, moderate, severe), seriousness of AE (serious, no serious), relation of causality (very probable, probable, possible, improbable, no related, no evaluated), result of AE (recuperate, improvement, persist, sequels), attitude concerning the studied treatment (without changes, dose
modification, temporal or definitive treatment discontinuation), treatment to control AE. Measuring time: At each NeuroEPO administration and during the whole study.
- Vital signs (body temperature (Celsius degrees), heart rate (beats per minute), blood pressure (mm Hg) and respiratory rate (breaths per minute)). Measuring time: Before and after each NeuroEPO administration.
- Laboratory tests (hemoglobin, hematocrit, white blood cells counts, reticulocytes count, platelet count, coagulation parameters, glucemy, transaminases, urea, creatinine). Measuring time: Before treatment and monthly during 6 months.
- Tolerance at the administration site (nasal mucous) Signs of local toxicity as redden, edema (Yes, No), intensity (mild, moderate, severe), reversible (Yes, No). Measuring time: Before treatment, 3 months, and 6 months.
- Cardiovascular monitoring (electrocardiogram) Measuring time: Before treatment, 3 months, and 6 months.
Therapeutic response:
- Electronystagmography variable (change in the error rate of the anti-saccadic eye movements). Measuring time: At the beginning and 6 months.
- Markers of oxidative stress or damage (Relation CAT/SOD, GSH, GST, TBARS). Measuring time: At the beginning and 6 months.
- EPO concentration in cerebrospinal fluid. (By ELISA). Measuring time: Before first NeuroEPO dose and after last dose at month 6, both cases one hour after intranasal administration.
- Motor coordination (SARA Scale). Measuring time: At the beginning and 6 months.
- Cognitive variables Phonological test FAS (average/min of right words that begin with FAS), Stroop test (time of completing and number of mistakes for the conflict task), Evoked verbal memory test (number of remembered words, number of necessary trials to remember all the words). Measuring time: At the beginning and 6 months.