Section to complete the data related to the clinical sites involved in the trial: site and responsible investigator for every site.
Countries of recruitment:
Clinical sites:
Artemisa, Dental Teaching Clinic "Raúl Gonzalez Sanchez", Lubenia García Rodríguez, MD. Specialist General Integral Stomatology
Pinar del Rio, "Leon Cuervo Rubio" Hospital, Hermes Somonte Davila, MD. Specialist Maxillofacial Surgery
Matanzas, "Faustino Pérez" Hospital, Jorge Hernandez, MD. Specialist Maxillofacial Surgery
La Habana, National Centre of Stomatology (CENAEST), Maria Estrella Marin, MD. Specialist General Integral Stomatology
Research ethics committees:
Artemisa , Bauta Dental Teaching Clinic , September, 4-2009
Artemisa, Dental Teaching Clinic "Raúl Gonzalez Sánchez", September, 17-2009
Pinar del Rio, ""Leon Cuervo Rubio" Hospital, November, 11-2010
Matanzas, "Faustino Perez" Hospital, September, 18-2012
La Habana, National Centre of Stomatology (CENAEST), January,17-2012