Section to complete information about primary and secondary outcomes including. It includes the metric or method of measurement used and, the time point for every outcome.
Primary outcome(s):
Phase I
Optimal therapeutic dose (Level of dose in that they yield minor patients' number with new opportunistic diseases or deaths to the 12 months, once a minor toxicity was associated (adverse serious event, related to the formulation). Measuring time: 168, 336 days.
Phase II
Clinical response (Appearance of opportunistic bigger diseases or death in the period of treatment. The opportunistic diseases will be evaluated using the criteria of the Control Disease Center for AIDS patients of the United States). Measuring time: 168, 336 days.
Adverse serious events related to with the formulation (The adverse events will be evaluated using the World Health Organization toxicity criteria). Measuring time: 168, 336 days.
Key secondary outcomes:
Immunopotenciator Effect (It will evaluate based on the decrease or no increase in CD4 levels in the course of treatment). Measuring time: 168, 336 days.
Virologic response (It will evaluate based on no increase in viral load in at least one decimal log or decrease it, in the course of treatment). Measuring time: 168, 336 days.
Immunologic response (Values of CD3, CD4, CD8, NK, CD4CD25FoxP3. The result will be collected by those units in the institution). Measuring time: 168, 336 days.
Quality of life (It will evaluate through the Spanish version of the MOS-HIV (for its acronym in English Medical Outcomes Study -Human Immunodeficiency Virus), validated in the Cuban population by IPK. It is a questionnaire of Quality of life for aids Cuban patients). Measuring time: 0, 168, 336 days.
Toxicity (Occurrence of any EA, description, duration, intensity, severity, outcome, attitude towards treatment and causation). This outcome will measure every 28 days.
- Occurrence of any AE (Yes, No)
- Description AE (name of the event)
- Duration of AE (Difference between the start and end dates of the adverse event)
- AE Intensity (It is classified according to the nomenclature and intensity criteria to assess the severity of adverse events in AIDS patients adult and pediatric version 1.0, December 2004; with clarification of August 2009. It includes the following categories: mild, moderate, severe, EA potentially life-threatening or EA that produces death.
- Causality relationship (1. Final, 2. Very Likely, 3. Probable, 4.Possible. 5. Not related, 6.Unknown)
- Seriousness / Gravity (Serious, Not serious. Are severe/serious adverse events those that 1. Produce death,
2. Threaten life, 3. Require / prolonged hospitalization, 4. Produce disability / persistent or significant disability or
5. Produce birth defect or congenital anomaly)
Results of laboratory tests. Measuring time: every 28 days.
Hematopoietic Laboratory (Hb (g/L), Leukocyte (109 cells/L), Granulocyte (109 cells/L), Platelets (109 cells/L). Measuring time: every 28 days.
Liver Laboratotry (Bilirubin (µmol/L), ALAT (U/L), ASAT (U/L), Alkaline Phosphatase (U/L), LDH (U/L)). Measuring time: every 28 days.
Renal Laboratory (Serum Creatinine (µmol/L)). Measuring time: every 28 days.