Section to complete information about primary and secondary outcomes including. It includes the metric or method of measurement used and, the time point for every outcome.
Primary outcome(s):
Time of lesions healing (Time from baseline assessment until the moment of total healing of the lesions or the moment of formation of useful granulation tissue in the affected area). Measurement time: daily during the duration of the treatment.
Key secondary outcomes:
1. Extension of lesions (It will calculate using a simple method named Kirschbaum Rule or rule of 3, which constitutes a modification of the Wallace Rule (or rule of 9), by which it is considered that Different bodily anatomical regions represent 9% each or a multiple of 9% of total body surface area). Measurement time: at baseline and, then at days 7 and 14 of treatment or until the time of healing of the lesions.
2. Presence of local adverse events-AE (distribution frequency for the appearance of AE (Yes, No), type of event (name of the AE), duration (time from appearance until stop the event), severity (severe, non-severe), intensity of AE (grades 1-5), relation of causality (remote, possible, probable, very probable), result of AE (recuperate, improvement, persist or sequels), attitude concerning the studied treatment (without changes, dose modification, temporal or definitive treatment discontinuation)). Measuring time: At each administration until the end of treatment.