Related to Security
Adverse Events-AE. Measuring time: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24 months. AE will be measured as:
- Occurrence of any AE (Yes or No).
- Duration AE (Difference of dates between the start and end AE).
- Type AE: (Description AE according to CTCAE, 4.0).
- Intensity AE (According to CTCAE, 4.0 as Mild, Moderate, Severe, Serious that Life-threatening or incapacitates the subject, Death).
- serious AE (Serious or not serious)
- Attitude towards the drug (Modification of the dose, temporary interruption, definitive interruption of the treatment).
- Result AE (Recovered, improved, persists or leaves sequels).
- Causal relationship (very probable, probable, possible, improbable, unrelated, non-assessable)
- Treatment indicated (Treatment received by the patient for the submitted AE).
Results of laboratory tests measured in numerical values (hemoglobin, leukogram with differential, CAN, platelet count, TGP, GOT, creatinine, glycemia, alkaline phosphatase, total bilirubin). Measurement time: at the beginning, every 3 months during the treatment. Prior to each cycle of chemotherapy (2nd line)
Related to the effect:
Objective response - OR (According to RECIST, classified as a partial response, stable disease or progressive disease). Measurement time: at the beginning, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24 months.
Progression-free survival-PFS (Time from the date of inclusion of each patient until date of progression). Measurement time: 24 months.
Duration of the objective response (It will be measured using the RECIST). Measurement time: 24 months
Immunological response measured as.
- Response of IgM and IgG isotype antibodies against ganglioside NGcGM3 (Measurement: Ac title). Measurement time: at baseline, 3, 6 12 months.
- Recognition and lytic capacity of IgM and IgG antibodies, induced by vaccination and directed to NGcGM3, on tumor lines expressing the ganglioside. [Measurement:%, greater than 20% cellular in the line that expresses the ganglioside (L1210)]. Measurement time: at baseline, 3, 6 12 months.
- Serum concentration of EGF and EGF-R (pg/ml). Measurement time: at baseline, 3, 6 12 months.