Home | A Study to Evaluate Patient Preference and Satisfaction of Subcutaneous Administration of the Fixed-Dose Combination of Pertuzumab and Trastuzumab in Participants With HER2-Positive Early Breast Cancer

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Published clinical_trials A Study to Evaluate Patient Preference and Satisfaction of Subcutaneous Administration of the Fixed-Dose Combination of Pertuzumab and Trastuzumab in Participants With HER2-Positive Early Breast Cancer has 4 revisions.
Saved 18/08/2021 - 6:13pm by ROCHE
current revision (published)
Saved 18/08/2021 - 6:08pm by ROCHE

Buen día estimados, Para este estudio Cuba cuenta con un cierre prematuro del estudio en vista de que no se incluyeron pacientes cubanos a participar en el mismo. Dado esto, se considera que Cuba no participó activamente para recolectar datos ni resultados. Respecto al registro del estudio ¿Qué procede en este caso? se debe dar por finalizado? Agradecer de antemano su guía. Saludos, Sofía Chaves Chen Roche Servicios S.A

Saved 22/07/2021 - 2:57pm by ROCHE
Saved 12/03/2019 - 1:11pm by Gladys