Section to complete information about primary and secondary outcomes including. It includes the metric or method of measurement used and, the time point for every outcome.
Primary outcome(s):
Severity of the Broncho-obstructive syndrome-BOS (Modified Tal Score (MTS): mild (≤ 5 points), moderate (≥ 6 and ≤ 8 points) and severe (≥ 9 and ≤ 12 points)). Measurement time: At baseline and, every 8 hours, after each administration of SURFACEN® (group A), always before receiving the next dose; simulating these times in group B.
Key secondary outcomes:
1. Clinical signs and symptoms (Heart rate-HR(value in lat/min)), Respiratory rate-RR (value in resp/min), Apnea crisis (Yes, No), Wheezing (Yes, No), Intercostal retraction (Yes, No)). Measurement time: At baseline and, every 8 hours, after each administration of SURFACEN® (group A), always before receiving the next dose; simulating these times in group B.
2. Oxygenation parameters (PCO2, pH, Oxygen therapy, SpO2). Measurement time: At baseline and, every 8 hours, after each administration of SURFACEN® (group A), always before receiving the next dose; simulating these times in group B.
3. Hospital indicators
3.1 Days of stay at the Progressive Care Units-PCU (Days from admission to PCU until discharge the PCU). Measurement time: At discharge from PCU
3.2 Days at the hospital (Days from admission to the hospital until discharge hospitality discharge). Measurement time: At hospital discharge.
4. Mortality indicators
4.1 Patient status at discharge (Alive, Deceased). Measurement time: At PCU discharge
4.2 Patient status at day 28 (Alive, Deceased and, cause of death in case of death). Measurement time: Day 28
5. Adverse Events-AE (Type of AE (description of the AE); Severity (Serious, not serious); Intensity (Mild, Moderate, Severe); Duration (Time elapsed between the start and end of the AE); Causality relationship (Very likely/Certain, probable, Probable, Possible, Improbable, Unrelated, Not assessable/unclassifiable); Attitude towards treatment (No change, Temporary interruption, Definitive interruption); Treatment of the AE (name of the indicated treatment, dose, route of administration, start and end date of the treatment); Outcome (It recovers, Enhances, Persists, Leave squeals, Death)). Measurement time: From the first dose of SURFACEN® (group A) until to eight hours after the last dose; simulating these times in group B from the randomization patient until three days later (72 hours).