Section to complete information about primary and secondary outcomes including. It includes the metric or method of measurement used and, the time point for every outcome.
Primary outcome(s):
1) Resolution of pleural effusion at the end of treatment (Yes, No, and time [in days]) checked by chest x-ray and chest ultrasound.
2) Need for surgical treatment (assisted video-assisted thoracoscopy - VATS, thoracotomy with decortication), (Yes, No) due to failure of conventional or experimental therapy (SKr).
Key secondary outcomes:
1) Time to extract the drainage (in days, time from the insertion of the drainage to the extraction of the drainage, by resolution of the pleural effusion verified by ultrasound and chest x-ray in the anteroposterior position). Measurement time: daily until drain extraction.
2) Stay in intensive care: given by the time (in days) from the inclusion of the patient in the study and insertion of chest drainage until discharge from intensive therapy. Measurement time: daily until discharge in intensive therapy.
3) Evolution (disappearance or improvement) of the main symptoms and signs related to the health problem under investigation, present at the time of the patient's inclusion in the study, measured by anamnesis (following the same criteria of intensity used to evaluate the events adverse [mild, moderate or severe]), physical examination, etc. Measurement time: daily during intensive therapy admission.
4) Need (Yes, No) and time (in days) of ventilatory support or non-invasive ventilation after the intervention in patients not ventilated at the time of inclusion in the study. To enter the clinical trial with some ventilatory support, the time that required it (days) will be measured. Measurement time: daily during intensive therapy admission.
5) Mortality (Yes, No). Measurement time: during the hospital stay.
6) Safety measured through the occurrence of clinical adverse events (Occurrence of AE (Yes, No) Description of AE (name of event) Intensity of AE (mild, moderate, severe) Causality (Not related, Doubtful, Possible, Probable, Definitive) Result (Completely resolved, Resolved with sequelae, Conditions in improvement, Present and unchanged condition, Worsening, Death caused by this event) Measurement time: Daily until hospital discharge.