Home | Combifer-T, Trofin and Ferrous Fumarate in iron-deficiency anemia in pregnant women.
15 April 2020 - 6:08pm by BIOCEN14 October 2022 - 9:51am by BIOCEN
Changes to Public title
Combifer, Trofin and Ferrous Fumarate in iron-deficiency anemia in pregnant women.
Combifer-T, Trofin and Ferrous Fumarate in iron-deficiency anemia in pregnant women.
Changes to Authorization date
2022-03-03 00:00:00
Changes to Reference number
In process
Changes to Clinical sites
Havana, Mother House "Leonor Perez Cabrera", Yeilin Pereira Minnoz, MD , Specialist of first Degree in Gynecology and Obstetric.
Havana, “Leonor Pérez Cabrera” Maternal Home, Dr. Yeylin Pereira Miñoz, First Degree Specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics.
Havana, Docent Gyneco-Obstetric Hospital America Arias Yuribet Borges Moreno, MD, Specialist of first Degree in Hematology.
Havana, Eusebio Hernández Gyneco-Obstetric University Hospital, Dr. Otto Rafael Recio Rodríguez, First Degree Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Changes to Recruitment status
Changes to Data sharing plan
Not entered
Changes to Date of first enrollment
2019-05-31 04:00:00
2022-11-30 00:00:00
Changes to Health condition(s) or Problem(s) studied
iron deficiency anemia
Changes to Primary outcome(s)
Hemoglobin (g/L). Measurement time: At baseline and, every 4 weeks until the end of pregnancy.
Hemoglobin (g/L). Measurement time: At baseline and, every 4 weeks until the end of study.
Changes to Key secondary outcomes
1. Hematocrit (%). Measurement time: At baseline and, every 4 weeks until the end of pregnancy.
1. Hematocrit (%). Measurement time: at the beginning and every 4 weeks until the term of pregnancy.
2. Serum iron (μg / dL). Measurement time: At baseline and, every 4 weeks until the end of pregnancy.
2. Serum iron (μg / dL). Measurement time: at the beginning and every 4 weeks until the term of pregnancy.
3. Reticulocytes (x 10-3). Measurement time: At baseline and, every 4 weeks until the end of pregnancy.
3. Reticulocytes (x 10-3). Measurement time: at the beginning and every 4 weeks until the term of pregnancy.
4. Ferritin (ng/mL). At baseline and, every 4 weeks until the end of pregnancy.
4. Ferritin (ng / mL). Measurement time: at the beginning and every 4 weeks until the term of pregnancy.
5. Peripheral lamina (size, shape and color of red blood cells). Measurement time At baseline and, every 4 weeks until the end of pregnancy.
5. Transferrin receptor
6. Average Corpuscular Volume (fL). Measurement time: At baseline and, every 4 weeks until the end of pregnancy.
6. Peripheral lamina (size, shape and color of red blood cells). Measurement time: at the beginning and every 4 weeks until the term of pregnancy.
7. Corpuscular Media Hemoglobin (pq). Measurement time: At baseline and, every 4 weeks until the end of pregnancy.
7. Corpuscuolar constants (Mean Corpuscular Volume (fL), Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin (pq) and Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration (g / L) Measurement time: at the beginning and every 4 weeks until the end of the study.
8. Concentration of Corpuscular Hemoglobin Medium (g/L). At baseline and, every 4 weeks until the end of pregnancy.
8. Adverse Events- AE (Occurrence of some AE in the subject (Yes, No); Type of AE (Name of the event); Duration of AE (hours and minutes, days) ; Prior knowledge (Expected, Unexpected); Intensity of the AE (Mild, Moderate, Severe); Consequence of the AE (Serious / serious, Not serious / not serious); Causal relationship (1.Very Probable, 2.Probable, 3. Possible, 4.Unprovable, 5.Not related, 6.Not evaluable); Outcome of the AE (recovered, Not recovered, Recovered with sequelae, Death, Unknown); Attitude regarding the treatment under study (Continuation, Definitive interruption)). Measurement time: for the entire duration of the test.
9. Adverse Events-AE (Occurrence of some AE in the subject (Yes, No); Type of AE (Name of the adverse event); Time of appearance (Immediate, Mediate, Delayed); Duration of the AE (hours and minutes, days); Prior knowledge (Expected, Unexpected); Intensity of the AE (Mild, Moderate, Severe); Consequence of the AE (Serious, Not serious); Causality Relationship (1. Very likely, 2. Probable, 3. Possible, 4. Not likely, 5. Not related, 6. Not evaluable); Result of the AE (Recovered, Not Recovered, Recovered with squeals, Death, Unknown); Attitude regarding the treatment under study (Continuation, Definitive interruption)). Measurement time: each administration of the product and during the entire duration of the test.
Changes to Intervention(s)
Group I - Combifer (Experimental): a tablet of Combifer (500mg) by oral route 3 times a day, 30 minutes before breakfast, lunch and dinner. The tablets will be administered from enrollment in the study until the end of pregnancy.
Group I - Combifer-T (Experimental): 5 mL orally 3 times a day, 30 minutes before breakfast, lunch and dinner. The product will be administered from the inclusion in the study and for 3 months.
Group II - Trofin (Control): A tablespoon of Trofin (15mL) by oral route 3 times a day, 30 minutes before breakfast, lunch and dinner. The medication will be administered from enrollment in the study until the end of pregnancy.
Group II -Trofin (Control): 1 tablespoon Trofin (15mL) orally 3 times a day, 30 minutes before breakfast, lunch and dinner. The product will be administered from inclusion in the study and for 3 months.
Group III - Ferrous Fumarate (Control): A tablet of Ferrous Fumarate (200mg) by oral route 2 times a day, 30 minutes after breakfast and lunch. The tablets will be administered from enrollment in the study until the end of pregnancy.
Group III - Ferrous fumarate (Control): 5 mL orally 3 times a day, 30 minutes before breakfast, lunch and dinner. The product will be administered from the inclusion in the study and for 3 months.
Changes to Minimum age
19 years
18 years
Changes to Inclusion criteria
1. Patients who have given their informed consent to participate in the trial.
1. Pregnant women aged 18 years and over.
2. Patients with pregnancy between 15 and up to 24 weeks of gestation.
2. Patients with pregnancy between 18 and 26 weeks.
3. Patients with hemoglobin levels between 75 and 109 g/L.
3. Pregnant women who meet the diagnostic criteria.
4. Patients with hemoglobin figures between 80 and 109 g/L.
5. Patients who give their consent to participate in the study in writing.
Changes to Exclusion criteria
1. Patients with acute gastrointestinal disorders (vomiting, diarrhea).
1. Patients with acute gastrointestinal disorders (vomiting, diarrhoea).
2. Patients who received transfusions during pregnancy.
2. Patients who received transfusions one month before being included in the study.
3. Pregnant women with hypertension who have indicated Methyldopa since Ferrous Fumarate reduces the hypotensive effect of Methyldopa.
3. Known hypersensitivity to any of the components of the formulations.
4. Patients under treatment with iron dextran or who received treatment one month before the start of the study.
4. Hemoglobin values less than 80 g/L.
5. Hemochromatosis and/or Hemosiderosis.
6. Lactose intolerant patients.
7. Patients under treatment with iron dextran or who received treatment one month before the start of the study.
Changes to Study completion date
Changes to Date of available results
Changes to Date of first publication
Changes to Telephone
+53-47682201-07 ext 1145 and 1147
Changes to Record Verification Date
Changes to Next update date
Changes to Acronym of Public Title
Changes to Scientific title
Evaluation of the efficacy and safety of Combifer compared to Trofin and Ferrous fumarate in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia in pregnant women.
Evaluation of the effect and safety of Combifer-T compared to TROFIN and Ferrous Fumarate in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia in pregnant women. Phase II Clinical Trial
Changes to Secondary indentifying numbers
Changes to Source(s) of monetary or material support
National Center of Bioproducts (BioCen)
National Center of Bioproducts (BioCen)Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP)
Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP)
Revision of 14 October 2022 - 9:51am: